Find a Professional or Organization

double exposure of people walking on the street in front of high rises

Use our online searches to find information about the professionals and organizations we regulate.

  • Real Estate Professionals

    Find contact details, licence category and level, any licence conditions or restrictions, and any recent discipline history.

    Find a Professional
  • Mortgage Brokers

    Find records for all mortgage brokers and submortgage brokers who are currently registered under the Mortgage Brokers Act.

    Find a Mortgage Broker
  • Credit Unions

    Find website and address details for B.C. Authorized Credit Unions.

    BC Authorized Credit Unions
  • Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Find website and address details for CUDIC Insured Credit Unions.

    BCFSA Authorized Credit Unions
  • Insurance

    Find website and address details for B.C. Authorized Insurance Companies.

    Regulated Insurance Companies
  • Pensions

    Find plan names and B.C. Registration numbers for Registered Pension Plans.

    Registered Pension Plans
  • Trust Companies

    Find address details for B.C. Authorized Trust Companies.

    Regulated Trust Companies